The LED Light radiometer is the best way to determine the power arriving on your glues and the ageing of guides light. It is essential to calibrate correctly equipments OmniCure ® after the change of their lamp and allows to measure the radiation out of guides lights.Coupled with an adapter LOA, it also allows to measure the energy directly out from the OmniCure ® or from external support of filters, what allows to control exactly the ageing of guides light.Conceived for the systems of punctual polymerization in UV radiation, OmniCure ®, the Light radiometer LED to meter, offers outstanding possibilities for the calibration and the power adjustment of your equipment OmniCure ® Série LX thanks to their automatic communication.
Guide’s opening of light
Detect automatically all the diameters of guide of standard light of the industry.
Easy commands and detailed display facilitating the use and the maintenance of the device.
The LED Light radiometer includes an exclusive system of detection which measures exactly the bandwidth between 320 and 500 nm. The LED Light radiometer offers an automatic tuning.
The electronic configurations of the LED Light radiometer allow a particular connection of sensors for a direct measure of the bright energy towards the polymerization. The site radiometry of polymerization is the most advanced and the most precise technique of control which measures the quantity of radiation arriving on the adhesive.
The exclusive optical interface of the LED Light radiometer collects the light on a vast surface and a digital opening, eliminating practically the dependence on the profile of the beam of light.