1. Volumetric Dispenser

    With its patented system, the Precifluid volumetric dosing device is a revolutionary, intuitive, high-performance and ecological technological concentrate.

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  2. Pneumatic Dispenser

    Designed to distribute all types of mixtures (from fluid liquids to thick pastes), the series of electropneumatic dosers features a simple structure, for easy use.

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  3. Consumables

    In addition to its dispensers, PDS offers a wide range of certified silicone-free and customizable consumables suitable for your devices. Syringes, needles, adapters, cartridges and nozzles …

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  1. Dispenser Robot

    Poly Dispensing Systems makes of the reduction of your costs its priority with a range of robots new generation which eliminate the expensive automations and reduce the human intervention.

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  2. UV sources

    Omnicure equipment is a UV spot light source for your bonding operations. They represent the result of twenty years of experience and continuous improvement.

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  3. Bi-component

    Aware of the special attention that the manipulation of bi-component fluids requires, PDS puts at your disposal a range of equipment exclusively dedicated to the management of these materials.

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  1. Global Mixers

    Unrivaled on the market, Thinky ™ mixers will meet up to your desire for perfection in dosage. They are designed to give any mixture a uniform and homogeneous appearance.

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  2. Dispenser valves

    Ideal for assembly lines, linear production and manufacturing that require high fluid autonomy and high pressure, our valves achieve millions of cycles without interruption.

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  3. Dosing Guns

    Manufactured in England, renowned for its robustness against competing products, the Cox ™ dosing guns will allow you to overcome the most technical jobs and jobs.

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PDS SAS is a French company that sells a very wide range of proven and powerful dosage equipment.

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